The Standard Romani Bible Translation Committee works in partnership with Wycliffe Romania, SIL International and others – with the purpose of carrying out the translation work, and engaging Roma communities with the translated Scriptures. As the result of the preliminary discussions, all partners agreed that the translation of the Bible would be done in Standard Romani, the language taught in schools to Roma children in Romania. We appreciate your prayers for our Roma project, while we acknowledge our dependence on God for such a work. We also invite you to financially support this work.
a. Vision: To reach out to Roma people with the Word of God. Developing Roma communities through the Romani Bible.
b. Mission: The purpose of the Standard Romani Bible Translation Committee is to translate the Bible into Standard Romani, and to help Roma communities to have access to it for their development.
c. Goals:
- Healthy families developed according to Biblical values and principles;
- Living churches built on sound Biblical doctrines;
- Spiritually, relationally, economically and educationally vibrant communities;
- Recognition and promotion of the Standard Romani language.
d. Objectives:
- Translating the New Testament within 10 years and the entire Bible within 20 years;
- Audio recording of the Bible;
- Online access to the digital Bible in written, audio (and picture) format;
- The Jesus film (or other films) in Standard Romani;
- Bible materials for children and adults (songs, Bible studies, etc.);
- Increased literacy rate among Roma people.